Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys

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Walter Sickert- Nominated- Outstanding Musical Performance by an Actor, Shockheaded Peter (Company One, co-presented by Suffolk University) -Elliot Norton Awards-2015

Walter Sickert – WINNER Boston’s Best Artist 2011 and 2012 – Boston Phoenix Reader’s Poll

Rock – n – Roll Rumble Semi-Finalist

WINNER Deli Magazine BEST OF

Boston Music Award LIVE ARTIST of the YEAR

“Musically sophisticated and immensely talented, wildly unusual and diverse in material and presentation, a Dada-esque circus carnival run amuck, and just plain good not-always-so-clean fun.” Boston Survival Guide

Where’s Your Ghost, 2016-

Pornival, 2013-

“There is a curious blend of mischief and morbidity in Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys, as the duo of Sickert and Edrie are called. They garnish their ominous doom-folk with the theatricality of a demonic circus troupe. Past performances have included storytellers, fire-eaters, glass-eaters, contortionists and, of course, Edrie’s broken toy army.” Boston Herald

“Holy Damn this is so good…if Jim Morrison is walking the afterworld, he surely must audition for this band. And I shall be the one to tell him to!” The Noise

Somewhere between hell and your own bedroom, Walter Sickert and Edrie let you know how it feels to be broken.



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